Carbon Business Council launches to create a seat at the policy table for carbon management startups

Carbon Business Council launches to create a seat at the policy table for carbon management startups

Published: 19-07-2022 13:29:59 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 4550 | Tags:

The Carbon Business Council (CO2BC), a nonprofit trade association of more than 40 leading carbon management startups with combined assets of more than $100 million has launched, to advocate for early-stage companies focused on removing, utilizing, and managing carbon dioxide. The founding member companies are market leaders with diverse carbon management approaches. Startups working to reverse climate change are invited to learn more about CO2BC membership.

Many CEOs and leaders of founding member companies are inaugural signatories of the Oath to Restore the Earth, establishing an ethical standard for growing the carbon management industry responsibly. Invoking long standing medical and legal oaths, the Oath to Restore the Earth builds alignment around a set of principles, including that removing emissions should work in tandem with mitigating them.

Ben Rubin, Executive Director and Co-founder, CO2BC: "From the printing press to penicillin, entrepreneurs have a history of approaching challenges with a problem-solving set of eyes. Because reversing climate change will require multiple solutions coming from both startups and policymakers, we're launching the Carbon Business Council to bring innovators to the policy table."

A snapshot of CO2BC's founding members:

  • Major corporations have made carbon removal purchasing commitments from founding members.
  • Founding members have received multiple awards and accolades, including winning $1 million in the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Challenge.
  • Twenty percent of CO2BC's founding member companies are founded and led by women.
  • Thirty-four percent of CO2BC's founding member companies are headquartered internationally and companies are operating across six continents. 


Scientists globally have reached consensus that the world needs to remove and manage gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, working in tandem with mitigation. The Carbon Business Council has a webinar scheduled for July 26 to debut information about upcoming initiatives, which includes publishing a white paper on voluntary carbon markets, launching the Carbon Fix biweekly newsletter, and advocating for the needs of carbon management entrepreneurs.