Casted launches new program to democratize access to podcasting

Casted launches new program to democratize access to podcasting

Published: 19-12-2022 09:14:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 4610 | Tags:

Casted, the first and only podcast and video marketing platform made for B2B marketers, has launched Casted for Startups. With this program, qualifying startup companies now have access to the same platform empowering B2B marketers at brands like IBM, Salesforce, Gong, and HubSpot to maximize and measure their podcast and video content.

With Casted, marketers streamline how they publish, distribute, amplify, repurpose, analyze, and measure content. Casted expands the reach of B2B brand podcast and video content to increase ROI and drastically improve sales outcomes. And unlike any other platform, Casted makes it possible for marketers to understand not only how much engagement their content generates but who is engaging with it by revealing the accounts and known contacts that consume specific episodes, clips, topics, and themes. And now, it will all be available for early-stage businesses with more limited budgets.

Lindsay Tjepkema, CEO and Co-founder, Casted: "We've proven that Casted can help marketers amplify vital business voices to drive human connections that ultimately drive business growth. Casted for Startups enables us to level the playing field in B2B podcasting by giving startups the mic - literally and figuratively! We're enabling marketers at all companies, regardless of size, to maximize and measure the value of their podcasts in today's changing market."

According to Edison Research's The Infinite Dial, 43% of people aged 35-54 are monthly podcast listeners. While this demographic represents a vast pool of decision-makers at diverse organizations, B2B marketers still face challenges in helping their organization's voice stand out among the estimated 2.4 million podcasts that exist today. Companies must amplify expert voices by leveraging their audio and video conversations as starting points for targeted content that engages audiences more insightfully and personally.

Meredith Albertson, Chief Marketing Officer, Zylo: "Utilizing Casted's platform has allowed us to take podcast episodes that initially only existed in one standalone form and turn them into multi-pronged marketing gold. We've leveraged content from our SaasMe Unfiltered show and repurposed it for webinars, FAQ videos, social content, event presentations, and more. Our content engagement has increased significantly since utilizing Casted – it's an invaluable tool for marketers to continue growing their brand and market presence by providing tools that can help marketers turn podcasts into multiple pieces of content with a much farther reach."

Qualifying startups will be eligible for a discount up to 82% of Casted's standard pricing. To qualify, organizations must have:

  • Raised less than $10 million in capital.
  • 50 or fewer employees.


All entrepreneurs face significant hurdles to bring their dreams to fruition, but this is doubly true for those that are women, minorities, or LGBTQ individuals. So Casted for Startups offers additional discounts to startups that are led, owned, or founded by members of these communities.

Scott Dorsey, Board Member, Casted and Managing Partner, High Alpha: "This economic environment is very challenging for early-stage companies. Startups already tend to run leaner, with smaller marketing budgets. Today's market volatility means even fewer resources with higher scrutiny. Casted for Startups empowers smaller businesses to stretch their limited budgets further while also delivering and proving maximum engagement with their podcast and video content."

Casted for Startups is now available and leaders at startup organizations can initiate the application process here.