For Investors

Published: 09-04-2020 17:26:00 | By: Nico Scherphuis | hits: 51161 | Tags:


Hello Investor,

Allow me to explain what we do here, which is quite simple.

First, some things that we are not.

We are not traders, not investors. We do not connect startups and investors for commission. We are not consultants. We are not connected to any player in the financial industry.

What we do in a nutshell is offer all startups in the world a profile interview on this website. If both startup and interview meet our standards, we publish.

Once a week we send a newsletter with these interviews to investors and any other interested party. You can get this newsletter by subscribing here.

We do this because we know that most startups focus on the development of their products and services and not so much on marketing and PR.

We also know that investors crave relevant information about startups before establishing communication with them.

As you can see here, we are asking more information from startups than we publish. You as an investor can subscribe to get these full interviews.

We welcome those interested in sponsoring Startup Weekly.

For further information, inquiries or clarifications send an email to:

Bas Vlugt
Founder Startup Weekly