For Startups

Published: 09-04-2020 17:25:00 | By: Nico Scherphuis | hits: 55249 | Tags:

Hello Startup!

We understand that you have brilliant ideas and that you are building this great company with some of the finest minds.

We also know that many startups feel that their idea is so good that it will sell itself once in operation, therefore most startups put available funds in the development of technology and in people that will bring this technology alive.

The problem is that most startups fail before their target market is aware of their existence.

Marketing and PR is not a priority for many startups, but it should be anchored in the heart of your company.

At this website we offer you two simple services that will propel your startup.

First: we offer you a profile interview that we will publish on this website, on social media - you will help us with that - and in our weekly newsletter (thank you for subscribing!) which we send to 1000 investors across the world.

The good news is: we publish the interview free of charge and you can do this interview all by yourself - right now if you want - here.

Second: we offer you further publicity by sending your press releases to as many as 18,000 journalists all over the world, plus 1400 investors.

More good news: This service is very affordable. Need any assistance in the writing of your press releases? We can help you out with that as well.

You can let us know if you are interested in these services by sending an email to

Oh, one more thing: The Startup Weekly LinkedIn Group has now 2800 members. Great if you would like to join.

The Startup Weekly Team