JLEE launches Aeona AI, world's first AI chatbot platform for disruptive innovation

JLEE launches Aeona AI, world's first AI chatbot platform for disruptive innovation

Published: 15-12-2023 13:28:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 2125 | Tags:

JLEE and Associates, an innovative and disruptive technology firm, has announced a new initiative to build a first-of-its-kind technology, Aeona AI. Aeona AI is the world's first AI chatbot platform for disruptive innovation. A revolutionary SaaS platform that aims to simplify and demystify approaches to achieve maximum growth with limited resources, thereby disrupting the failure rate of all businesses.

Jimmie Lee, CEO and Founder, JLEE and Associates. "Whether you're an early-stage startup or a large enterprise with limited resources for innovation projects, utilizing your talent and resources effectively to develop a proof of concept or a market-ready product rapidly is a specialized skill that requires decades of fail to success cycles, triumphs, contextual knowledge, and finely tuned instincts. Our team has consistently delivered outstanding results, leading to over 200 startup ideas being transformed into products and validated through Series B. We have driven over $1 billion of growth and exits, and we've grown companies from sub-$100k to hundreds of millions in ARR. Igniting innovation and disruptive product development on demand is a challenging task that we have consistently risen to. We have operated for several years, helping companies and organizations of all sizes achieve innovation and market disruptions. Currently, we are rapidly developing Aeona AI in stealth mode using a customer-led and product-led approach. Driving towards Q1 2024 launch. We are always looking for design partners and forward-thinking companies and organizations to utilize our products and services during development to drive their innovative and disruptive ideas.''

Aeona AI will use custom-trained and human vetted AI models to create a scenario and journey-based experience tailored to your specific business, industry, and application. Our AI platform incorporates deep learning and intelligence on global micro and macroeconomics and trends, serving as an always contextually aware, AI-driven, virtual CTO that works for you 24/7, internal to your organization.
