[Startup Interview] Adeniyi Atiba, Director, Dr.3pleA Company, Nigeria

[Startup Interview] Adeniyi Atiba, Director, Dr.3pleA Company, Nigeria

Published: 04-03-2020 12:49:00 | By: Bob Koigi | hits: 6769 | Tags:

Dr.3pleA Company is a tech startup domiciled in Nigeria that offers a host of services among them HR Management consulting, e-learning and provision of information on investment in real estate. Adeniyi Atiba, the Director elaborates:

Tell us about Dr.3pleA Company

The Dr.3pleA Company is a tech firm with interests in HR Management Consulting Solutions, Media, e-learning and real estate. We are consistently researching best tech practices to offer top notch services in the above sectors.

Who are your clients? 

Our clients are MSMEs, schools, authors and upwardly mobile career professionals.

How has the market responded to your services? Why do you think that is so?

The market has responded well to our services because our services are actually presented exclusively to our target market. We are fast realizing that focus is key for success in any business.

Your latest project is The Smartphone Business School. Tell us more about it and the progress  so far.

The Smartphone Business School has not been well accepted online as we anticipated rather we are realizing that it is well accepted offline. More participants prefer to be taught offline.

What do you consider the biggest threat to your business?

Misinformation and Ignorance

What kind of collaborations do you expect and need for The Dr.3pleA Company to succeed?

We need collaborations with digital product packaging, Marketing and data science. We need to learn enough to survive online. While we have captured the offline market to a great extent, our key focus now is to maximize on the online possibilities.

Where do you want to take the company in 2020 and in the long term?

We want to become a major online e-learning business in Africa reinventing learning for the average African and bringing learning into the confines of homes

What is the latest news from The Dr.3pleA Company?

We are working right now on creating an App that will make the teaching of online businesses easily accessible and also developing an App that will make credible real estate information easily accessible to the average citizen.

Who should contact your company, and why?

E-learning enthusiasts, real estate investors, upwardly mobile career professionals, tech investors and infopreneurs. We are a tech firm to look out for. We intend to be a productive, profitable and proficient company.




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