[Startup Interview] Alexander Hotz, Co-Founder, Talenter, Germany

[Startup Interview] Alexander Hotz, Co-Founder, Talenter, Germany

Published: 02-12-2020 11:56:00 | By: Bob Koigi | hits: 7266 | Tags:

Talenter is a fully tradable crypto currency that offers people access to any type of service and course globally, from low-specialized jobs like lawn mowing or dishwashing to highly qualified services like translation or wood carving.

The German-based startup is revolutionizing the working world worldwide and is freeing millions of people from the fetters of traditional professional careers. The startup’s co-founder Alexander Hotz explains.

Tell us about your startup

Talenter monetizes the abilities, talents and passions of every human being globally.

Who founded Talenter and what are their professional backgrounds?

Roland Schwarz has been a managing director of Jung v. Matt, founded companies in China and was responsible for one of the most successful IPO in Germany (Deutsche Post).

He wrote the Yello-Strom success story with "Gelb-Gut-Günstig" and is a proven expert in UX, Customer Journey, communication and brand management.

Alexander Hotz is also a Founder of Talenter. He is an Internet pioneer since 1994 and has built communities of over one million users thus a guarantor for the success of Talenter.  He is a professional manager and entrepreneur.

How is your startup financed?

Talenter is  privately financed by the founders

What industry does Talenter operate in?

Blockchain, internet, platform, marketplace, community, social networks

What, in your opinion, are the dynamics shaping the blockchain industry?

Thanks to the blockchain technology and the SmartContracts that are only possible with it, Talenter is a unique and innovative "easy to use" service platform.

Talenter revolutionizes in its application, haptics, customer journey and UX all previously known shared economy marketplaces.

The own Cryptocurrency TLT will be developed beyond the platform Talenter to a crypto currency for the whole Shared Economy. TLT becomes a "people coin", safe and easy to use for everyone.

Why did you start your Talenter? What opportunities did you see?

When the team of Talenter started developing the idea two years ago, we were driven by the vision of creating a future system for a closed peer-to-peer platform, along with anonymous payment system with which it will be possible for everyone in the world to offer expertise and talents.

More than two billion people around the world are already directly affected by rapidly advancing automation and are cut off from the acquisition market.

They are often well-trained people, but in any case equipped with abilities and talents, which are sought elsewhere. With monetarization of their abilities a livelihood becomes possible and for some of them prosperity comes into reach.

More than two billion of world's population lives on less than $ 3.10 per day.

More than 80% of them have to cope with $ 10 a day and over four out of five people live in countries with large income differences. We are convinced that Talenter.io can reverse these trends by providing people with tools which enable entrepreneurial activities based on their abilities.

However, Talenter 's performance is also of great importance in the developed countries and industries. Over the next 10-20 years, the automation will replace up to 50% of classic jobs.

According to the OECD, 15 hours of leisure time already exist today, tTime, which is freely available per person, partly because of job loss through automation. The automation will continue to increase sharply. Talenter offers new alternatives and creative services apart from classical professional terms. Everyone offers what they do best.

People are encouraged to seek their individual path for the benefit of all and their own (monetary) advantage.

What problem or problems does Talenter solve?

People are showing efforts every day in every corner of the world, which they can't sell because these activities are not seen as work, there is no market for it or because of lack of awareness.

More than two million people with great abilities are excluded from working life because the market doesn't recognize them and their expertise.

What gives Talenter the competitive edge?

Every thinkable service can be offered via Talenter.io. From skateboarding to apricot cupcake baking, ceramic dolls, to flower wreath braids and car manicures. Every ability can be offered at Talenter.io as service or as course.

Accounting is accomplished via contracting which is based on the crypto currency Talenter (TLT). TALENTER (TLT) is a currency oriented on micropayment and therefore will operate almost without fees. TALENTER (TLT) uses the RAIDEN technology and the smart contract system of Ethereum.

Talenter (TLT) has become the service currency used throughout the world. Talenter.io has relevance worldwide and can be specifically adapted to countries.

TALENTER.io and the currency TALENTER (TLT) are a perfect combination of application and secure transaction and are developed with focus on smartphones and wearables.

There is no limitation to what a service can be. Billions of people around the world have skills beyond their professions but no chance to sell them. TALENTER.io gives these people the opportunity to earn money and offer their services in a secure way.

The service market is just as unlimited as your imagination! If every unemployed person could sell only 1 hour of his activity per day for only $ 1, this results in a value add of $1.2 billion per year worldwide. TALENTER offers the solution for this.

Who are your customers?

Every person in the world can use talents and make profit for themselves. The potential is enormous.

TALENTER organizes, structures and makes the market for non-categorized services accessible.

There have never been such strong migratory flows worldwide. 200 - 250 millions of people leave their home every year to seek for prosperity and happiness elsewhere. Talenter gives these people the possibility to earn money immediately in every country of the world. Talenter thinks beyond borders.

Diversity potential

Talenter promotes the development of new, up to date services. From the water disinfector in the third world to the hamster hair stylist for first world inhabitants everything is possible, as long as demand exists or arises. The emergence of new demand is particularly important in the face of increasing automation.

Equality potential

Talenter does not distinguish between black and white, old and young, male and female, and other superficial characteristics. Talenter helps people reach prosperity and thus new possibilities.

What does Talenter need in order to grow?

For the next milestone and to develop Talenter from current TRL 4 to TRL 5 (prototype, demo), we need $300k for system programming. Technical feasibility study and offers for the implementation are available. We would now like to commission these service providers.

The next milestones and investments:

TRL 5 to TRL 6: $ 300k

TRL 6 to TRL 7/8: $1.2m

TRL 9 invest by ICO: $ 3.5m

What is your growth strategy?

A sophisticated plan has been developed as to which metropolises we will tackle one after the other. Population density is key for Talenter's success. The world did Talenter the favour of concentrating people in spots. More than 54% of the world's population lives in urban areas. We will focus on metropoles in the first years. To this end, we have developed a hub marketing strategy. We want to be represented in only 52 cities in 6 years and have only 9 million users.

In which markets are you looking to establish your presence?

Talenter.io already has a fanbase of 60.000 twitter followers.

But more importantly if today every unemployed person in the world could offer only one hour of his talent for one dollar, an employment market of 1.2 trillion dollars per year would be generated, a market that is currently being denied to all these people.

In the next five to fifteen years, up to 40% of today's jobs will fall victim to automation and artificial intelligence. The talent market will no longer be "just" a billion dollar market, but a hundred billion dollar market.

According to the International Business Times in 2016, only 13% of the British believe that they will still be working in traditional professional models in 2025. 87% of Britons, on the other hand, are convinced that Gig Economy will replace the traditional „Nine to Five" working days in ten years' time.

The market is huge. The need for talent is huge. Talenter has the very best chance of becoming a real Moonshot.

What are your plans for the coming 12 months?

Talenter is revolutionizing the world of work and freeing millions of people from the shackles of traditional professions. Talenter.io is responding to the increasing automation and the associated release of the workforce by developing and organizing new services that are unpredictable in their diversity. A gigantic demand inevitably arises and a billion-dollar business that serves Talenter perfectly.



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