Żabka Group, Kozminski Business Hub launch second edition of acceleration programme for Polish environmental startups

Żabka Group, Kozminski Business Hub launch second edition of acceleration programme for Polish environmental startups

Published: 10-10-2022 12:59:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 4592 | Tags:

Żabka Group in collaboration with Kozminski Business Hub, a Kozminski University organisation which seeks and supports startups, is launching the second edition of the acceleration programme. The Startup Impact Program is addressed to young businesses with a goal to make a positive impact on their environment, i.e., active in the field of ecology, health and entrepreneurship.

The programme is intended for startups which provide solutions in the following areas: Environmental footprint reduction, Packaging of the future, Entrepreneurship development and Wellbeing, and equal opportunities. The creators that make it to the finals of the second edition of the programme, will be invited for further cooperation with experts from the Kozminski Business Hub and Żabka Group. Participation in the acceleration initiative is also an opportunity to cooperate with all entities of the Group and to test their solutions in the fastest developing convenience store chain in Poland.

Karol Gajewicz, Head of Venture Studio, Żabka Group: "We are looking for innovative solutions with new development prospects for the whole Żabka Group. This is why, together with Kozminski Business Hub, we launched the second edition of the Startup Impact Program to find out about the most interesting initiatives forming part of Żabka Group's sustainable development strategy. We are looking for startups with a prepared prototype of their services or products, a specific target group, that know who the addressees of their communications are going to be."

In the category Environmental footprint reduction there is demand for solutions for carbon dioxide capture and neutralisation and for increasing energy efficiency. The category also covers projects in the area of innovative and low-emission food refrigeration and innovative methods of limiting food waste in the value chain. As part of the Packaging of the future area we are looking for recyclable or compostable alternatives to plastics which can be used for producing food product packaging.

Innovative projects in the Entrepreneurship development area should focus on the development of the skills and competences of entrepreneurs for the modern economy. In turn, the Wellbeing and equal opportunities area is for projects that positively contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people, with a particular emphasis on mental health and emotional balance, and solutions facilitating independence and employment market entry for young people under the risk of social exclusion.

Bolesław Rok, Professor of Corporate Sustainability Management, Kozminski Academy: "In this edition we will focus more on measuring, managing and communication the positive impact. The information is important for investors and major corporate clients. Startups singled out in the programme will receive collectively developed detailed impact reports, which will surely attract impact investors. Today we already know that the future of the world depends mainly on whether startup founders take responsibility for it. We are waiting for those with the essential talents, passion and experience. In the positive impact ecosystem we are doing everything to implement these most awaited ideas."

Startups interested in joining the programme can make their submissions here by 6 November 2022.
