Zing Data raises $2.4m to bring business intelligence to mobile

Zing Data raises $2.4m to bring business intelligence to mobile

Published: 01-07-2022 14:03:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 4746 | Tags:

Zing Data, a collaborative business intelligence and visualization startup, announced it has raised $2.4 million, led by Kindred Ventures (Uber, Coinbase, Postmates), Correlation Ventures (Optimizely, Personal Capital) and early backers of Amplitude and Robinhood.

Kanyi Maqubela, Managing Partner, Kindred Ventures: "Without data scientists, companies lack the toolkit to process and understand their data in context: until Zing. The mobile form factor, simple collaboration, and easy-to-understand tools are best in class. And this technical team has experience as builders and users of business intelligence software, so understand the customer need deeply."

Founders Zack Hendlin and Sabin Thomas met ten years in graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and even back then were thinking about building data tools.

Zack Hendlin, Founder, Zing Data: "We both realized that engineering, product, and operations teams struggle to use data because they lack the ease of use and collaboration. We knew we could do better by reimagining what an interface for querying data could look like in a mobile first way – just like Robinhood did for stock trading on mobile."

Both founders bring extensive experience shipping industry defining products, Thomas founded two companies with successful exits in the security space, and Hendlin shipped Facebook's first work in speech recognition, Facebook's first mobile ads format, and built out product and data teams at OneSignal.

Sabin Thomas, Founder and CTO, Zing Data: "As an engineering leader, I wanted tools that allowed everybody at a company to make data-driven decisions, and that's what we've built. We built a query intelligence platform and smart query construction layer to deliver an experience that 'just works', empowering the enterprise data influencer." 

Used by fast growing startups and Fortune 1000 companies, Zing delivers faster time-to-insight than any other platform. Underlying this is support for all common databases including Snowflake, Postgres, mySQL, Google BigQuery, Google Sheets, Amazon Redshift, and Trino. Zing has already forged partnerships with Google and Starburst to deliver well-tested integrations.

The company found enthusiasm from an unexpected source, "Companies in logistics, event management, and real estate signed up – and we realized the scope of the opportunity not just to make data easier to use for people on the go, but for this much bigger group unserved by expensive, single-player, desktop-based business intelligence. People who are in fields, factories, stores, construction sites. If you think about it, everybody is a 'deskless worker' at some point, even if that's just getting pinged while at your kid's soccer game," said Hendlin.
