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Published: 06-04-2018 16:44:00 | By: Nico Scherphuis | hits: 34460585 | Tags:

IFC launches program to support startups expand across the Maghreb region
Published: 08-06-2021 | 12:24:00 | By: Pie Kamau
IFC launched a new advisory program aimed at making it easier for startups in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, expand their operations across North Africa.

[Algeria] Sonatrach invests in university incubator for startups
Published: 22-10-2020 | 08:17:00 | By: Bob Koigi
Algeria state owned oil company Sonatrach has partnered with the National Agency for the Promotion of Research and Technological Development Results (ANVREDET), to establish a university incubator for start-ups.

[Startup Interview] Lwazi Nongauza, Executive Director, BTN Mobile, South Africa
Published: 02-08-2019 | 12:42:00 | By: Bas Vlugt
BTN Mobile is a South African digital telecommunications network that seeks to revolutionize the telecommunications landscape in the country and beyond while bridging the digital divide by making ICT services available to the underserved at a reasonable rate