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Published: 06-04-2018 16:44:00 | By: Nico Scherphuis | hits: 34469839 | Tags:

[Column] Achare Takor: Incentives for promoting innovative ICT start-ups in Cameroon
Published: 13-05-2021 | 13:56:31 | By: Bob Koigi
With ICT set to become the engine of development in Cameroon in its role as a hub in the Central Africa sub-region, the 2021 tax scheme has been updated to promote innovative ICT start-ups.

GreenTec invests in Cameroon digital farm startup Freshbag
Published: 11-09-2020 | 08:28:33 | By: Bob Koigi
GreenTec has announced its investment in Freshbag, an innovative digital Cameroon platform that connects farmers and vendors to ensure a fair and reliable food supply network.

[Startup Interview] Boluwa Olojo, Marketing Officer, Go Ads Africa, Nigeria
Published: 18-07-2019 | 11:40:00 | By: Bob Koigi
Go Ads Africa is an advertising technology company that brings efficiency and granular pricing to the advertising scene. It relies on a hybrid Ad network that serves both digital and traditional media.

[Startup Interview] Benjamin Manirafasha, CEO, Iris Hub, Rwanda
Published: 09-07-2019 | 11:42:00 | By: Bob Koigi
Benjamin Manirafasha is the founder of Iris Hub, an incubation and innovation center that is using technology to address youth unemployment in Rwanda. It was born from the realization that Rwandan ecosystem lacked an effective platform where the university students can connect to potential employers.